Dear visitors of the site, if you have come to our page, it means that you are determined to find yourself a faithful friend, uncompromising guard and assistant - KANGAL.
On the Internet today, there is enough information, photos and video materials about this breed of dogs. For a person who was first faced with the choice of a dog breed for himself, such a variety of information will clearly lead to confusion in his head. We want, if possible, to streamline this information, focusing on the basic working qualities and

character traits inherent in the KANGAL (Kangal Shepherd Dog), on which you will rely daily and enjoy communicating with your pet. We aim to share our practical observations and impressions of the breed. To tell as much as possible in simple language and examples from the life of our wonderful pets.

Historically the country of origin of this breed is Turkey. KANGAL is one the oldest breed, ever existed in Asia Minor. These dog mostly used like shepherds. Kangals perfectly protected livestock and owner from wild animals. In our days they also, as before, perform their functions on pastures. Living in such conditions, the Kangals inherited good health and staying power, because they should work in different weather.
And now we want to tell more about Kangal's character. First of all they
are clever, thinking and quick-witted dogs with a stable psyche. That's enough to watch their games and communication (for example, running around the building one after another, dogs calculate partner trajectory and meets him at the oncoming move). Kangal is very proud and freedom-loving dog, who won't bring you repeatedly a ball or slippers on command. No, he will show his respect to the owner and do this command one or twice, but then just look in dog's eyes and You'll understand that there's no sense to continue this. Kangals a well-trained dog with whom you should communicate on equal terms. When you communicate with Kangal, he feels not the only intonation of the voice but also the mood with which the owner came home. Dog perfectly understands the owner. At the same time Kangal is В тоже время кангал это watchful guard, which will not allow a stranger to invade the territory controlled by him, but at the same time he will not bark for no reason.
The dogs of this breed do not single out one owner in the family (lack of dominance over the owners). All members of family have the same authority and it doesn't depend on age. Perhaps, should notice their extraordinary love to children, whom kangals , ready to forgive everything.
Taking part in dog shows, people very often are interested in dog's wool, wondering how pleasant is to touch this. And everything is simple. Kangal's wool can be called "self-cleaning". It means, that enough wool to dry and makes the impression that the dog was washed.

Some words about the exterior of the kangal shepherd. Currently there is a lot of argues & disagreements, both among breeders and experts, so who is the real Kangal, what is he like?

On June 25 2018 the new official standart standard for the breed Kangalsky Shepherd replaced the standard for the breed Anatoly Shepherd Dog, which You can
find on our website in the FCI STANDARD tab. There is a single recognised document, according to which the breed of the pet you choose is determined. It doesn't matter for which purpose You choose the dog: protection, dog show, breeding, OUR DOG KENNEL GUARANTEES TO YOU pedigree and full compliance with the current breed standard Kangal Shepherd Dog.
Anyway we urge You Вас slowly and very consciously approach the choice of a dog, which will be loyal friend for the next 13-15 years. Make a notice on pedigrees, ask your breeder about genealogical line of ancestors of the puppies offered by the nursery. With representatives of our dog kennel You can see on our website's page OUR KANGALS.
We hope that You will fall in love with this breed - breed KANGAL, just like us. We wish you success in choosing, raising and maintaining your pet. We really hope that the practical information that we presented did not add “fog” to your heads, but helped to systematize somehow your existing knowledge about this breed.
With best regards,
Agahan & Oksana Selimov!
By the way, Kangal's wool doesn't have smell.